Monday, October 3, 2011

Home Based Business Rule Number One: Separate Family And ...

Working from home is laden with perks, and having the time and availability to be there when the young ones jump off the school bus is perhaps one of the most commonly cited reasons for the plethora of parents who are moving heaven and the other place to make a home based business profitable. Yet at the same time, the very reasons why working from home is such a wonderful idea can just as quickly turn into one of the fledgling business? greatest liabilities! Thus, the need of the hour also leads to the formulation of home based business rule number one: separate family and business!

The odds are good that your business contact ready to place an order for your herbal supplements that promise the enhancement of romantic moods and following pursuits will not wish to be regaled by junior about his new dinosaur toy. As a matter of fact, the contact probably would prefer that nobody knows he or she is buying these (completely legal but personal) mood enhancers from you. To this end you will be wise to have a second phone line installed that features a professional voicemail option. Do not rely on an answering machine that may or may not be bumped by your kids and others, and do not make it a phone that is readily available to others. Instead, keep the business phone in your home office, or the second line outlet without an actual physical phone until you are ready to do business.

You may be surprised to know how many live jacks are in entrepreneurs? homes, yet have no phones hooked up to them! With no phone, there is no temptation for anyone to make or take calls, or check messages during family hours. This of course leads to the next step of learning how to separate family and business and thus fulfilling home based business rule number one! Make and stick to your business hours. Even as you would love to make money around the clock, learn to say ?no? to customers and clients and then mean it! Yes, it is a hard lesson to learn and perhaps it will feel a bit odd, but if you remember that just like work time is reserved for work and your children will learn to respect this time you are needing, family time is reserved for family and your business should not encroach on the time that is set aside for your spouse and children!

As you are enforcing business hours for the sake of the family, make sure you also enforce them for the sake of the business. If you have older children, this is easier to accomplish than with the younger set. Make sure to explain to the little ones that during working hours they have the opportunity to play with their Lego blocks, coloring books, model cars or dolls. Post your business hours on a sign that alerts your children to the fact that you are working and provides a visual reminder. At the same time, it is vital that your children always ? no matter how busy you might be ? feel free to disturb you if they need a hug, kiss, band aid, or fire extinguisher!

Tracey Merrells-Fort -
About the Author:

Tracey Merrells-Fort, of is a successful entrepreneur helping others to succeed online. For more information on starting your own Online Business visit:


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