Monday, October 8, 2012

Mastectomy no more! Prevent and treat breast cancer with life ...

(NaturalNews) For some women, the only thing scarier than having breast cancer is the prospect of being treated for cancer with conventional medicine. In a country dominated by the American Medical Association (AMA), women are urged to turn their bodies over to the horror of breast cancer treatment. It starts with dangerous and painful, breast-flattening, mammograms; then proceeds to the cutting -- until there is nothing left in some cases, besides a gaping hole. Breast cancer patients are then subjected to the sickening onslaught of radiation and deadly chemotherapy, which doesn't heal cancer or prevent its reoccurrence.

There is hope, however, for women seeking alternative treatments. As new research in cancer treatments becomes available, the latest in breast cancer prevention with vitamin D therapy and other natural modalities provides women with more life-affirming treatment choices.

Why is it that women continue to turn to conventional medicine when viable alternatives are available? It arises from habit, fear and a belief that there is no other way. Close-mindedness on the part of the medical profession combined with the hard sell of Big Pharma contributes to women remaining uniformed about the latest in breast cancer alternatives, leading many down the path of bad medicine.

Taking a proactive stance against breast cancer can be as simple as increasing vitamin D levels; but, beware the source. Conventional medical models would have you believe you can get vitamin D from fortified milk, which is laden with antibiotics, growth hormones and bacteria from cows raised under the most tortured circumstances. These cows are milked 300 days of the year, even during pregnancy; and their milk contains overly-high doses of hormones, which are linked to hormone-dependent cancers. So fortified or not, processed milk is implicated in causing breast cancer, not curing it; or providing a reliable source of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that affects all the cells of your body. This powerful vitamin is converted into calcitriol, which stimulates your immune system to fight cancer. Researchers at the State University of New York at Albany reported that breast cancer cells died within several days after being injected with high doses of vitamin D.
? Sunshine: Exposure to sunlight is one way to obtain vitamin D; however, many people are unable to get enough sunshine to fulfill their body's needs. The alternative is supplementation and diet. Vitamin D3 works synergistically with Calcium and Magnesium as well as with other vitamins, minerals and natural treatments for cancer --without adverse side effects.

? Diet: Studies confirm that a modern diet consisting of fast foods, processed meats, GMO grains and vegetables, trans fats, hormone and antibiotic laden meats, and factory produced milk contribute significantly to causing many breast cancers. The body was never meant to be assaulted in this manner. Choosing whole, organic foods, raw milk and butter, lots of fresh and fermented vegetables, organic meats and eggs, healthy fats and foods high in vitamin D such as fatty fish and cod liver oil will help to prevent cancer.

? Supplements:Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that remains in the body's cells and can cause toxicity in large doses. The recommended daily allowance of 600 to 800 IU of vitamin D is not adequate to prevent cancer. Recent studies indicate that it takes anywhere between 4,000 - 8,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily to provide protection against breast and other cancers. Before starting supplementation to prevent or treat breast cancer, consult your healthcare provider and have blood tests to determine existing vitamin D levels.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:

JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. You can find her on Facebook at or on Twitter at jbbardot23!/jbbardot23

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