November 17, 2012 by karmavore
I was approached by the organizers of National Adoption Day (in the US) to post a photo of our adoption finalization as part of the?One Day Project?. I was a little reluctant. We?re Canadian, and we didn?t adopt through the Ministry but?the personal stories and photos from adoptees and families?are full of joy and sorrow.?It?s heartbreaking that 130,000 children live in foster homes in North America (Canada & the US combined) but gratifying that people are working hard to find permanent adoptive families for children.Today, November 17, the National Adoption Day Coalition tries to get as many adoptions finalized across the U.S. as possible. They created the One Day Project to share what adoption finalization feels like and encourage people to adopt from foster care. Organizers expect that 4,500 adoptions will be finalized today.Our finalization
Our adoption finalization didn?t happen in the courts, it came by mail: a simple stamped piece of paper indicating that we were officially and legally a family. While we felt like a family already but for nine months, we had no paperwork to back up that feeling. And a feeling isn?t enough to allow you a passport or qualify you for universal baby bonus checks. Not to mention, I had a nagging worry that a law official would ask for proof of our relationship. Receiving the official document that spring day was a great feeling.
We snapped a photo and popped a bottle of Veueve Clicquot that had been chilling for two years.
Legally a family.
I think we all recognize that much more needs to be done to address the root causes of family breakdown so we can prevent children from landing in foster care in the first place, but as it stands, thousands of children in Canada and the US need permanent, loving families.
In the United States, more than 100,000 children in foster care are available for adoption.
In Canada,?more than 30,000 children have no permanent family, and will live in foster care or small institutional placements until they are legally of age. For information, call 1-888-54-ADOPT, visit?Canada?s Waiting Children or email:?
Interview with my favourite folkie hero adoptee Michael Franti on CBS?s Home for the Holidays in 2009.
November is Adoption Awareness Month
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