Whenever you talk about the future ?f transportation you ?lmo?t alw??s think ?b?ut th? flying car. Well th?re h?v? b?en s?me advances ?n the flying car that could bring it to ? wh?l? n?w level. However, we are ?robably st?ll v?ry far ?wa? fr?m ?eeing the average ?Joe? flying to work every day. Having ? flying car poses m?n? difficult questions that have to b? handled b?for? you hit the skies. Besides getting insurance f?r s?m?th?ng th?t fly?s, ther? ?s the question ?f how people will learn to fly safely ?f ?v?ryon? i? in th? air ?t th? same time.
With cars, th?r? i? ?nl? worrying ?b?ut staying ?n th? road w?thout hitting ?n?one else. Could y?u imagine h?ving ev?ry?ne flying ?r?und at th? ??m? time? When flying in the air, there is no road t? follow, ??u hav? full control ?ll while avoiding collisions w?th oth?r aircraft. Then there ?? the problem w?th training, weather conditions, ?nd clearances. It takes ?ome?ne ar?und 60 hours of training ?n th? air to obtain th??r private pilot?s license, ?o h?w w?uld y?u b? ?bl? t? g?t ?veryon? trained t? fly ? car?
There isn?t ?ny minor fender benders in the sky, ?f you got ?nto an accident in the air w?th an?th?r aircraft, it will almo?t alwa?s end up with fatalities. So insurance f?r a flying car w?ll pose a ?eri?us problem f?r insurance companies. Even if ev?r??ne was able to fly ?round their cars, wh? knows h?w mu?h ?t w?uld cost to insure them. Though technology is g?tting better, ?nd prototypes ?f ? flying car ?r? actu?ll? working, g?tting the average person in th? air with the?r car w?ll b? ? major challenge, ?nd ?nl? the future holds the answers.
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Source: http://www.yjcn.org/auto-insurance-for-the-future-flying-cars.html
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