Sydney Writers? Centre- Travel Writing with Sue White & Many More Writing Courses
Imagine landing in an exciting destination ? New York, Spain, Prague, take your pick ? and experiencing sights and sounds you once only dreamt of. Imagine staying in beautiful hotels, sampling the cuisine and browsing in hidden shops and markets.
I?m not writing about some fictional scenario that?s never actually going to happen. I?m describing what you could experience as a travel writer. And, as you can see from student Jocelyn Pride?s comments below (in our Student Success section), it actually happens.
This is not some fantasy. If you?re interested in Travel Writing, then you just have to take the first step. And that?s enrolling in our 5-week course in Travel Writing. The best part is that we have two options to choose from ? on campus or online.
You?ll discover:
about the different types of travel articles and why they suit different markets.
how to speak the language ? understanding the industry lingo.
how to develop the right angle for your travel story so it doesn?t resemble a six
hour holiday slideshow.
how to structure your articles, using photos and trip notes effectively.
how to research travel stories, plan your itineraries and find interview subjects on the road.
how to write without ever getting on a plane ? discovering your hometown or state.
how to stay out of trouble by following travel writing ethics.
the best way to approach editors and pitch your story to perfection.
and MUCH more!
Travel Writing with Sue White
Monday 8 October 2012 (for five weeks)
Time: 6.30pm ? 8.30pm
Cost: $395
If you prefer to study online here?s the next online course.
Online course: Travel Writing with Sue White
5-week online course starting Monday 1 October 2012
Time: Whenever suits you
Cost: $395
TIP: Avoid false joiners
Sometimes when you?re writing, it?s easy to get carried away and let your sentences go on, and on, and on. One way of allowing this to happen is to use false joiners. False joiners are words such as however, consequently, moreover, therefore, nevertheless, indeed and similarly. These words are sometimes used as conjunctions but in fact, they?re adverbs and can?t join two sentences together without some help.
Here?s an example of a sentence using a false joiner:
Rambo went home to get his umbrella, however, he couldn?t find it.
It?s actually two sentences: Rambo went home to get his umbrella. and He couldn?t find it.
Because however is technically not a conjunction, it shouldn?t be used to join these two sentences. But, if you do want to clearly link the two sentences, you can use however (or one of the words above). Just make sure you use a semicolon first:
Rambo went home to get his umbrella; however, he couldn?t find it.
Student success ? Jocelyn Pride
We were thrilled to hear from Jocelyn Pride this week. She did our ONLINE COURSE: Travel Writing in 2011 and since then, has scored two overseas famils. She wrote this to us:
Very excited to just land my second major ?famil? [familiarisation tour]. The company that hosted me (and my husband) to go to Alaska in June has just confirmed a trip to Baja Mexico in January. Thank you Sydney Writers? Centre ? you keep proving anything is possible. This time last year I was only dreaming of being a travel writer.
Congratulations Jocelyn! We can?t wait to hear more about your writing successes.
Upcoming courses
Business Writing Essentials
Improve your business writing skills in just one day with this interactive seminar. In Business Writing Essentials you?ll learn the fundamentals of good business writing, including the 11 golden rules you should stick to when writing at work, the right way to write salutations and sign-offs, and how to order information effectively. You?ll also leave with plenty of valuable resources including letter and email templates.
One-day seminar on Friday 5 October 2012
Time: 9.30 am ? 4.30 pm
Cost: $395
Online course: Creative Writing Stage 1
Need some inspiration for your short story, or want to get started on that novel you?ve always dreamed of writing? Our next Online Course: Creative Writing Stage 1 starts soon. In this course you?ll learn the essential elements of great fiction and how to incorporate them into your story. And you can do the course from wherever you are in the world, whenever it suits you!
Week beginning Monday 8 October 2012 for 5 weeks
Time: Whenever suits you
Cost: $395
Creative Writing Stage 2
Have you completed our Creative Writing Stage 1 or Writing Books for Children and Young Adults course and want to take your writing to the next level? Our final Creative Writing Stage 2 for 2012 starts soon! In this course, you?ll have a chance to practice what you?ve already learnt and take part in valuable workshopping. You?ll also get practical advice from your presenter and leave with tools and techniques to make your fiction shine.
Five-week course starting Thursday 11 October 2012
Time: 6.30 pm ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $395
TIP: Principal or principle?
Principal and principle ? they?re often used interchangeably but they shouldn?t be as their meanings are quite different.
Principle, which is always a noun, means an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct. For example:
He has strong moral principles.
It can also mean a fundamental, primary or general truth, or a fundamental doctrine. For example:
Our courses can teach you the principles of good writing.
Principal is an adjective but sometimes acts as a noun as well. It means the first or highest in rank, importance or value; the head of a school or college, or someone who takes a leading part in a play or ballet. For example:
The principal dancer stole the show with her performance.
It can also refer to a sum of money lent or invested. For example:
She was assured that there would be no risk to her principal.
So as you can see, there are a few different uses for just those two spellings. If you?re not sure which one to use, check your dictionary!
Plan ahead ? Thriller Writing
Want to know how to make your thriller an engaging, edge-of-your-seat novel that readers won?t be able to put down? Let best-selling author of The Genesis Flaw and Thirst, LA Larkin, show you how in this five-week course.
You?ll learn the eight ?must haves? of a good thriller, the dos and don?ts of action scenes, how to build pace and suspense in your novel, and much more. This will be your last chance to do the course in 2012 so enrol soon.
Thriller Writing with LA Larkin
Thursday 25 October 2012 (for five weeks)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $395
Writing Bar
We?re a little pre-occupied with travel writing this week (must be the warmer weather), so we asked the wonderful Sue White to share her top three tips for travel writers.
We?re also featuring a guest post from kids? book author, Deborah Abela. As part of her blog tour, she dropped by Writing Bar to share her advice on Writing Ghost Stories for Kids.
The owners of this business have confused their message a bit. ?No obligation free quotes? suggests that quotes will not be obligation free! That?s possibly a quote you?d want to avoid. If they re-wrote the sentence so it reads ?Free quotes, no obligation?, they could avoid the confusion. Or maybe just insert a comma, ?No obligation, free quotes?.
WEBPICK: Famous writers? small writing sheds and off-the-grid huts
They?re small, simple and rustic, but what writer wouldn?t want one? This collection of famous writers? retreats will no doubt inspire a writerly real-estate envy in many of you.
George Bernard Shaw?s shack, dubbed ?London?, is here (so called so his staff weren?t lying when they said he had ?gone to London?), as well as Virginia Woolf?s scenic writing shed. There?s also the rather luxurious cabin of Michael Pollan, which he built himself in the woods behind his home in Connecticut.
How to build your platform as an author (and how I got my book deal)
My new book Power Stories: The 8 stories you MUST tell to build an epic business (Wiley) will be released in a couple of weeks and I?ve had so many questions about how I got my book deal ? and how authors are supposed to promote their own books ? that I wrote it all down (of course)!
If you?re interested, you can check out how to receive these exclusive reports here. To get these free reports you must pre-order by Thursday 27 September 2012.
Other upcoming courses
Online Course: Travel Writing with Sue White
When: Week beginning Monday 1 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: Whenever suits you
Cost: $395
Seminar: Grammar and Punctuation Essentials with Deb Doyle
When: Tuesday 2 October 2012 (one-day seminar)
Time: 9.00 am ? 5.00 pm
Cost: $450
Seminar: Business Writing Essentials with Tony Spencer-Smith
When: Friday 5 October 2012 (one-day seminar)
Time: 9.30 am ? 4.30 pm
Cost: $395
Online Course: Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1 with Sue White/Allison Tait
When: Week beginning Monday 8 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: Whenever suits you
Cost: $395
Online Course: Creative Writing Stage 1 with Pamela Freeman/Cathie Tasker ? NEW DATE
When: Week beginning Monday 8 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: Whenever suits you
Cost: $395
Course: Travel Writing with Sue White
When: Every Monday starting Monday 8 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30pm
Cost: $395
Seminar: Build Your Profile on Twitter with Kerri Sackville
When: Tuesday 9 October 2012 (two-hour evening seminar)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $85
Course: Creative Writing Stage 1 with Jeni Mawter
When: Every Wednesday starting Wednesday 10 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $395
Course: Creative Writing Stage 2 with Jeni Mawter
When: Every Thursday starting Thursday 11 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $395
Seminar: Writing for the web with Grant Doyle
When: Thursday 11 October 2012 (one-day seminar)
Time: 9.00 am ? 4.00 pm
Cost: $450
Weekend Course: Travel Memoir with Claire Scobie
When: Saturday 13 October and Sunday 14 October 2012 (2 consecutive days)
Time: 10.00 am ? 4.00 pm
Cost: $395
Seminar: Editing Essentials with Deb Doyle
When: Tuesday 16 October 2012 (one-day seminar)
Time: 9.00 am ? 5.00 pm
Cost: $450
Seminar: From Blog to Book with Kerri Sackville ? NEW DATE
When: Thursday 18 October 2012 (two-hour evening seminar)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $85
WEEKEND Course: Food Writing with Carli Ratcliff
When: Saturday 20 October and Sunday 21 October 2012 (2 consecutive days)
Time: 10.00 am ? 4.00 pm
Cost: $395
WEEKEND Course: Write a chick-lit novel with Lisa Heidke
When: Saturday 20 October and Sunday 21 October 2012 (2 consecutive days)
Time: 10.00 am ? 4.00 pm
Cost: $395
Seminar: How to Get Your Book Published with Geoff Bartlett
When: Tuesday 23 October 2012 (two-hour evening seminar)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $85
Course: Thriller Writing with L.A. Larkin
When: Every Thursday starting Thursday 25 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $395
Online Course: Creative Writing Stage 2 with Pamela Freeman/Cathie Tasker
When: Week beginning Monday 29 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: Whenever suits you
Cost: $395
Online Course: Writing Books for Children and Young Adults with Judith Ridge/Nicola Robinson
When: Week beginning Monday 29 October 2012 for five weeks
Time: Whenever suits you
Cost: $395
Course: Writing About Interiors, Style and Design with Nigel Bartlett
When: Tuesday 30 October and 6 November 2012 (2 evening classes)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $175
Seminar: Blogging for Beginners with Kim Berry ? NEW COURSE
When: Wednesday 31 October 2012 (two-hour evening seminar)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $85
Course: Screenwriting Stage 1 with Tim Gooding
When: Every Wednesday starting Wednesday 7 November 2012 for five weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $395
Seminar: Professional Business Writing with Sue White ? NEW DATE
When: Thursday 8 November 2012 (one-day seminar)
Time: 9.00 am ? 5.00 pm
Cost: $450
Course: Perfecting Your Pitch with Sue White
When: Wednesday 14 November and 21 November 2012 (2 evening classes)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $175
Daytime course: Creative Writing Stage 1 with Kate Forsyth
When: Every Thursday starting Thursday 15 November 2012 for five weeks
Time: 10.00 am ? 12.00 noon
Cost: $395
Course: Writing Books for Children and Young Adults with Judith Ridge
When: Every Thursday starting Thursday 15 November 2012 for five weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $395
Seminar: How to Write a Business Book with Valerie Khoo
When: Friday 16 November 2012 (half-day seminar)
Time: 9.30 am ? 1.00 pm
Cost: $295
Seminar: PR and Media Releases that Get Results with Catriona Pollard ? NEW DATE
When: Wednesday 28 November 2012 (one-day seminar)
Time: 9.00 am ? 5.00 pm
Cost: $495
Seminar: Self-publishing ? How to do it with Geoff Bartlett
When: Wednesday 28 November 2012 (two-hour evening seminar)
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $85
Seminar: How to create and sell your eBook with Anna Maguire ? NEW COURSE
When: Thursday 13 December 2012
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $85
Dates for 2013
Course: Life Writing with Patti Miller ? NEW DATE
When: Every Thursday starting Thursday 17 January 2013 for six weeks
Time: 10.00 am ? 12 noon
Cost: $450
Course: Writing Picture Books with Cathie Tasker ? NEW DATE
When: Every Thursday starting Thursday 17 January 2013 for five weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30pm
Cost: $395
Course: Introduction to Novel Writing with Pamela Freeman ? NEW DATE
When: Every Thursday starting Thursday 21 February 2013 for six weeks
Time: 6.30 ? 8.30 pm
Cost: $495
Food Writing in Vietnam with Carli Ratcliff ? NEW TOUR
Arrival: Saturday 6 April 2013
Departure: Saturday 12 April 2013
Writing in Bali with Patti Miller
Arrival: Saturday 3 August 2013
Departure: Saturday 10 August 2013
Writing in Paris with Patti Miller
Arrival: Thursday 24 October 2013
Departure: Saturday 9 November 2013
Sydney Writers? Centre
Suite 3, 55 Lavender Street Milsons Point NSW 2061
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