Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Find true value this cyber Monday | The Bellevue Gazette

By Erin Thompson

Social Secu?rity Public

Affairs Spe?cial?ist

Let the shop?ping sea?son begin! The day after Thanks?giv?ing has vir?tu?ally become a hol?i?day of its own. ?Black Fri?day? is the busiest shop?ping day of the year, with peo?ple lin?ing up at mid?night for door-busting deals as they begin the busy hol?i?day shop?ping season.

And the Mon?day after that has become a vir?tual hol?i?day, so to speak. ?Cyber Mon?day? is the day web-savvy peo?ple search for deals on the Internet.

But there is more than one way to find value on the Inter?net. For exam?ple, Social Secu?rity offers many online ser?vices to the gen?eral pub?lic, and they are?free!

Not only that, but doing busi?ness online with Social Secu?rity will save you time and money. And it?s so easy to do. Here are some of the most pop?u?lar ser?vices you?ll find at www.socialsecurity.gov.

1. The online Social Secu?rity State?ment is a hot new ser?vice that is a big hit with the mil?lions of peo?ple who?ve used it since its launch last May. Your online State?ment pro?vides you with a record of your past earn?ings, and it uses those earn?ings along with pro?jected earn?ings for future years to give you accu?rate esti?mates of future Social Secu?rity ben?e?fits. Get your State?ment at www.socialsecurity.gov/mystatement .

2. The Retire?ment Esti?ma?tor is an easy way to get an instant, per?son?al?ized esti?mate of your future Social Secu?rity ben?e?fits. Just key in some basic infor?ma?tion and the Esti?ma?tor will use infor?ma?tion on your Social Secu?rity record, along with what you input, to give you a ben?e?fit esti?mate on the spot. You even can exper?i?ment with dif?fer?ent sce?nar?ios, such as chang?ing your future earn?ings and retire?ment date. Check it out in Eng?lish at www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator or in Span?ish at www.segurosocial.gov/calculador.

3. The online Retire?ment Appli?ca?tion is the most con?ve?nient way to apply for Social Secu?rity retire?ment ben?e?fits. You can apply from the com?fort of your home, it?s fast, easy, and secure. It?s so easy, in fact, that it can take you as lit?tle as 15?min?utes to apply online. In most cases, after your appli?ca?tion is sub?mit?ted elec?tron?i?cally, you?re done. There are no forms to sign and usu?ally no doc?u?men?ta?tion is required. Social Secu?rity will process your appli?ca?tion and con?tact you if any fur?ther infor?ma?tion is needed. When you?re ready to retire, apply at www.socialsecurity.gov/applyonline.

4. Busi?ness Ser?vices Online is our one-stop shop for small busi?ness own?ers. The site allows orga?ni?za?tions and autho?rized indi?vid?u?als to con?duct busi?ness with and sub?mit con?fi?den?tial infor?ma?tion to Social Secu?rity. Employ?ers can use it to file W-2s for their employ?ees the fast, con?ve?nient, and paper?less way, online. Visit Busi?ness Ser?vices Online at www.socialsecurity.gov/bso.

In the Amer?i?can Cus?tomer Sat?is?fac?tion Index, Social Security?s online ser?vices con?tin?u?ously receive the high?est rat?ings in both the pub?lic and pri?vate sec?tors, year after year. To learn more about all you can do on Cyber Mon?day, or any day, visit www.socialsecurity.gov/onlineservices.

Source: http://thebellevuegazette.com/columnists/find-true-value-this-cyber-monday/

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