Saturday, March 10, 2012




The Story


You and a group of your closest friends are on the road towards what you think is going to be the trip of a lifetime. Excited, adrenaline rushing through you veins, you can't wait. But despite all of this, you felt like something was off ever since you passed that bridge. The night seemed to get darker, the winds stronger. You havent passed a single home in miles. You swear you saw a face peering into your window a few minutes back, but your friends just laughed as you jumped from your seat-

They didn't see that face

Those Eyes

That Smile

They didn't see the hand tracing the frame of your face or the lips whispering taunts into your ears. You could feel its breath trickling down your neck.

"Guys, lets turn back, i'm scared."

You practically begged, tears almost trickling down your cheeks. You weren't crazy, you weren't over reacting, something was there, sitting right next to you. Watching you. Regardless, your friends seemed deaf, continuing on joking and laughing with each other. Suddenly you feel a finger tracing down your arm, you pull it back and you see a faint glimpse, undeniable, a hand retreating back under the seat. Before you have a chance to speak, you're there. The sun's rising, you finally make out the extravagant cabin in the distance.

~Welcome to Eden~


This is a horror based RP about a group of highschool students on summer vacation. I've purposely supplied little information, the rest will be revealed over time through character actions in game. The set-up so far is that you've just reached the cabin, all you know is that you're here for a two week long vacation with a few friends.

The roleplay well focus on the character's relationships and how they deal with the threat of an imminent death. I plan on immersing you writers as much as possible, i want to make you feel the fear that your characters are feeling!

The actions of the characters will decide who lives and who dies, so choose wisely

The role play is a forum/chat hybrid so we'll be taking advantage of the chat window and the activity tab. Collaboration between writers is encourages. This roleplay will always be open, characters constantly finding themselves lost in the forests of Eden.

For certain parts of the story, id like to organize a time where everyone could get on the chat tab to play out the scene. (This well happen very rarely)

Also, feel free to jump in and RP any time you want. You cant grab a partner and RP a scene whenever. That kind of character development is instrumental to the plot.


At this time, im only taking eight characters, but if you really want a character thats already been taken (An additional boy/girl) let me know and ill see what i can do. Being highschool students, they should be between the ages of 15 - 18

  • -Boy 1 - Reserved
  • -Boy 2
  • -Boy 3
  • -Boy 4
  • -Girl 1 -Reserved
  • -Girl 2 -Reserved
  • -Girl 3 -Ella Lin
  • -Girl 4

I'll be playing most of the monsters/spirits, but if you are interested in helping out, shoot me a PM and we can talk.

Your Profile should include the following:







I'd also like all the characters to have an image and a icon (These should be photographs, not things like Anime characters, ect)

Please post your character profile in the OOC topic first so i can look it over and make sure everything's in order

Link to the Roleplay: roleplay/conviction/
Link to the OOC Topic: conviction-t68882.html


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